Course Syllabus

1119 LTEL  Support 2A, 2B/ Long Term English Learner (Grades 9-12) Class Syllabus

Teacher: Kerri Hamilton /

When: Mondays and Tuesdays 3:15-4:15 pm

Sem. 1 classes: August 19 - December 17

Sem 2 classes: January 6 - May 20  

Where: Big Blue Button

Materials needed: School issued Chromebook, headset and microphone, webcam, school email, and access to Google Docs


Connecting Waters serves a diverse student body and offers a state-adopted curriculum for core-content classes and UC-approved curriculum for A-G classes. Parent Educators are encouraged to review course materials, including syllabi and supplements, to ensure alignment with their student's needs and comfort level. It is the responsibility of Parent Educators to select the most suitable courses for their students.



California English Language Development Standards: (pgs. 122+)


Expectations and Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities: 

Before classes begin: 

  1. Complete the Student and Family Training Course if you are new to Canvas.
  2. Confirm you have an active school email and know how to use it.
  3. Have a working Chromebook or other device plus reliable internet connection to participate online in class twice per week.
  4. Have a working headset and webcam, access to Google Docs, and be prepared to use them.  Webcams should be turned on. 

          In-Class responsibilities: 

  1. Be willing to learn, to ask questions, to practice, and to attend every class.
  2. Attend on time and participate in all classes.  Class activities include: listening, speaking, reading, and writing collaboratively with class participants and teacher. 
  3. LTEL is not graded, however: Understand that missing two or more classes may prompt an attendance PLT with the Executive Director, ES, student, and parent/s/guardian. If missing a class session, please contact the instructor for make-up work instructions. 
  4. Interact with others in a way that is respectful and kind. Follow the CW Code of Conduct Policy, Bullying, Plagiarism & Truancy policies. 
  5. On-Camera Expectation || All students are required to be on camera during the entire session. Students are only visible to their instructor and do not appear on the session recording.

Truancy Policy

CWCS Online Code of Conduct Policy

Cyberbullying and Social Media

Cheating and Plagiarism 

Civility Policy

Title IX, Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, and Bullying Policy

  • ES Responsibilities 
  1. Confirm student has Chromebook, headset with mic, and login credentials prior to the 3rd class. 
  2. Sign up as an Observer role in each of your students’ classes, or know the student’s login credentials. Click here for more Observer information.
  3. Remind parents/students:  
    1. LTEL is not graded, but attendance and participation are required. 
    2. Confirm parents understand how to check each Canvas course weekly.
  4. Maintain open communication with the teacher.
  5. Check the collaboration document to monitor work the student is producing in class. 

Parent Responsibilities:  

  1. Ensure and monitor your student’s online attendance and participation twice per week. Participation is required.
  2. Complete the Student and Family Training Course before the first day of class.
  3. Prior to the first day of class, assist student in logging on  to, accept invitations to class if needed, and familiarize them with the format of Canvas.
  4. Notify the instructor in advance if your student must miss a session.
  5. If a class is missed, make sure your student watches the class recording and completes the assigned homework. Attendance is not optional. 
  6. Extended travel needs prior approval and does not excuse students from due dates. Reach out to your ES for more information.

Teacher Responsibilities: 

  1. Create and support a safe and respectful learning environment for all.
  2. Promote the regular use and development of English language skills.
  3. Provide ample opportunities for engagement listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  4. Support students individuully based on needs and learning styles. 


Students should have and know how to use: their CW school email, a Chromebook, headset and mic, a working webcam, (plus Google Docs and Slides with teacher instruction). 

Securely Disclaimer: All Canvas courses will be implementing a program called Securely.  Securely is designed to monitor and report in real-time the online actions of each student during the class. This will allow CWCS and its teachers to better monitor student activity during class for online safety and testing accountability. If you would like to learn more, please visit 

A Note About AI: Please defer to your individual teachers for class rules on what is or is not acceptable use of AI.  Please feel free to review this resource:

Accessing Canvas

Email is School email: (i.e.

Password: First name District ID (i.e. Jona12345)

  • Student Training Course

All students are encouraged to enroll in our Student Training Course:  Passport to Canvas here or go to

Final Exams and/or Final Project

LTEL final class project will occur in class without an exam each semester.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due