Course Syllabus

Transcript for Math 8 (1 of 2) Introduction

Welcome to the first half of Math 8!

This course will help you build upon your preexisting math knowledge. It will prepare you for your advanced studies in both algebra and geometry. You'll work with rational numbers and irrational numbers as you polish up your skills performing operations. You'll reason with equations and use them to answer questions about real-world situations. And, you'll use graphs, tables, and equations to study relationships between variables and describe them. Finally, you'll learn about functions and the special relationship that their variables have.

Now it's time to take the next big step in your math studies. Enjoy the course!

Course Objectives

  • Rewrite numbers and expressions using properties and operations.
  • Identify and classify rational and irrational numbers.
  • Write and solve equations in one or two variables and describe the solutions.
  • Represent, interpret, and compare proportional relationships given in different forms including graphs, tables, and equations.
  • Describe slope and derive equations for linear situations using similar triangles.
  • Represent, interpret, and compare linear relationships in different forms, including graphs and equations.
  • Graph and compare irrational numbers and expressions.
  • Define, identify, describe, evaluate, and compare functions. 


Start Checklist 

To get started, please make sure you complete the learning tasks below.

  1. Review the video and resources presented on this page.
  2. If necessary, review the tutorials in the Help section about how to use the learning management system (LMS).  
  3. Start Unit 1.

Here's a list of the technical skills you'll need before taking this class:

  • basic computer abilities like using a mouse and keyboard and opening programs 
  • ability to navigate the internet and use web browsers for research
  • ability to use word-processing applications or web-based equivalents for document creation
  • ability to copy and paste, use spell-check, and save and retrieve documents on a computer or web-based equivalent
  • ability to use communication tools like discussion boards 
  • ability to write and respond to emails and messages

Student Course Overview

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Course Summary:

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