Course Syllabus

Transcript: Language Arts 5 (1 of 2): Course Introduction

Course Objectives:

  • Quote accurately from a text when you tell what the text says and when you infer from it.
  • Identify the main people, events, and ideas in a text; tell how they are supported by details; and summarize what the text means.
  • Analyze how an informational text is organized and explain how it works toward the author's purpose.
  • Combine information from many print or digital sources to quickly answer questions or solve problems.
  • Tell how an author uses reasons and evidence to back points in a text and point out claims, reasoning, and evidence in the text.
  • Read and understand fifth-grade informational texts on your own, and read with purpose, speed, and accuracy.
  • Write an essay to support your opinion or to explain research clearly, using appropriate organization and many sources.
  • Write a well-organized text that summarizes information, explains reasoning and evidence, and includes multimedia.
  • Use standard grammar and usage in writing, including correct spelling, verb tenses, conjunctions, prepositions, and punctuation.
  • Use fifth-grade academic vocabulary, vary your sentence structure, and combine sentences to add interest to your writing.
  • Talk about topics respectfully with others, building on ideas learned during discussion.

Click the link to read the Student Resource Guide. This guide tells more about what the course is like. Your school might have other rules for the course. Ask your teacher.

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Course Summary:

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