Course Syllabus


A-g Earth Science

CP6003.2 a-g & CP6019.2 a-g

Online in Canvas

Instructor: Lisa Crawford


Office Hours: Tuesday 11:00 am - Noon


This syllabus is for 9th -12th grade a-g Earth Science online course.  This is designed to accommodate any high school student.  We will be meeting on Tuesdays from 8:45-9:45 am or 10:00-11:00 am in our online class room.  All students are expected to be keeping up with the weekly assignments and be ready to participate in class discussions.  If you are new to the online classes, please practice logging-on to make sure you are not having any technical problems.



Class Time: We will be meeting the online classroom on Tuesdays from 8:45-9:45 am or 10:00-11:00 am.

  • Semester 1 - First Class Meeting 8/16/22

Last Day to Add or Drop is 9/1/23(Students will be charged the full price of the course if dropping the class after this deadline.)

  • Semester 2 - First Class Meeting 1/10/23   

Last Day to Add or Drop is 1/19/24 (Students will be charged the full price of the course if dropping the class after this deadline.)

CWCS’s Earth Science online course offers students the opportunity to study at home while employing technology as a learning tool, meeting with other students in a virtual classroom, and receiving live instruction from a teacher.


Course Overview: This course meets once a week online. We will be covering many interesting topics including Matter and Atomic Structure, Minerals, Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks, Water, Weathering, Erosion and Soil, Meteorology, Marine Environment, Volcanic, Earthquakes, Solar System, Galaxies and the Universe.


Prerequisites: none





Screen Shot 2022-06-25 at 6.01.40 PM.png

Earth Science, 15th Edition

Edward J. Tarbuck, (Emeritus) Illinois Central College

Frederick K Lutgens

Dennis G. Tasa, Tasa Graphic Arts, Inc.

ISBN-10    0134656814


Student Responsibilities:

Prior to 1st Day of class (August 11th)

  • Log on to the online classroom and read the announcements
  • Check class modules page  at least WEEKLY for assignments
  • Print syllabus and secure in a class binder – review class expectations
  • Begin class assignments week of Aug. 10th

Throughout the semester

  • Attend the online class every week and be on time. 
  • Complete weekly assignments (and post them if assigned) prior to each class session.
  • Complete all quizzes, homework and tests.  Tests are posted in Canvas and are taken on-line. 

ES Responsibilities

  • Check the class gradebook for announcements and student grades
  • Follow syllabus to monitor student progress and obtain standards
  • Contact me if student is dropping the course, or having any difficulties.


Attendance / Participation 25%                                90-100% = A

Quizzes/weekly assignments 25%                              80-89% = B

Tests 25%                                                                      70-79% = C

Final 25%                                                                      60-69% = D

                                                                                          0-59% =F


The final grade is assigned by the Canvas instructor based on the above breakdown.  Please note that the ES submits a quarterly progress report which is considered in the determination of the final grade. 


Science Department Attendance Policy:

  • Student is actively participating in class - 10 points
  • Student has an excused absence (parent has notified the instructor 24 hours prior to class with a valid absence), watches the recorded session and takes the participation quiz - 10 points
  • Student has an unexcused absence, but watches the recorded session and and takes the participation quiz- 7 points
  • Student does not respond in class/chats with other students about non-science related issues/interrupts class and/or does not behave properly - 0 points


Late Work

Points will be deducted for late work



Any absence from class must be cleared by contacting the instructor PRIOR to class.

Daily Homework:  There will be questions out of the text assigned almost daily. All homework will be submitted through Canvas. You can submit a Word document, PDF or Google Doc (download as a PDF and upload to Canvas).  Emailed assignments will not be accepted.  All communication will be made through Canvas’ email feature. There is an answer key to the homework provided.  This is not to be copied, or copied and changes made.  The answer key is provided as a means of correcting your work.  Zero credit will be given for assignments copied from the answer key or even mostly copied with a few changes.  There will be no opportunity to redo the assignment in this case.  All homework for the week will be due on the Monday that follows the lecture.

Test & Quizzes:  There will be weekly quizzes and tests.  These will be posted in Canvas for the students to take online.  The quizzes may be taken more than once and the highest grade will be kept.  These are also due on the Monday following the lecture. The tests may only be taken once.  These are taken on Tuesdays and they cover the previous week's material.

Final Exam: There will be a closed book, no notes cumulative final exam at the end of each semester that will be worth 25% of the class. Fifty percent of the point on the final with come from essay questions and the rest of the final will be multiple choice and matching.  A study guide as well as a review time will be provided.

  • a-g Finals are scheduled at proctored test sites and/or proctored online                                                              Dec. 5th-9th: Fall Semester a-g Finals        
  •                                May 8th-12th: Spring Semester a-g Finals


Class Pacing Guide:

 Semester 1 Pacing Guide (*common core standard)

School Week

Chapter covered


Course Introduction-cover Syllabus

Chapter 1: Introduction to Earth Science


Chapter 2: Matter and Minerals


Chapter 2: Matter and Minerals (continued)


Chapter 3: Rocks


Chapter 3: Rocks (continued)


Chapter 4: Plate Tectonics


Chapter 5: Earthquakes & Earth's Interior


Chapter 6: Volcanoes and Other Igneous Activity


Chapter 7: Crustal Deformation and Mountain Building


Chapter 8: Weathering, Soil and Mass Movements


Chapter 9: Running Water and Groundwater


Chapter 9: Running Water and Groundwater (continued)


Chapter 10: Glaciers, Deserts & Wind


Chapter 10: Glaciers, Deserts & Wind (continued)








Semester 2 Pacing Guide (*common core standard)

School Week

Chapter(s) covered


Chapter 11: Geologic Time


Chapter 13: The Ocean Floor


Chapter 14: Ocean Water and Ocean Life


Chapter 15: The Dynamic Ocean


Chapter 16: The Atmosphere: Composition, Structure and Temperature


Chapter 16: The Atmosphere: Composition, Structure and Temperature (Continued)


Chapter 17: Moisture, Clouds & Precipitation


Chapter 17: Moisture, Clouds & Precipitation  (Continued)


Chapter 18: Air Pressure & Wind


Chapter 19: Weather Patterns and Severe Storms


Spring break


Chapter 19: Weather Patterns and Severe Storms (Continued)


Chapter 21: Origin of Modern Astronomy


Chapter 22: Touring Our Solar System


Chapter 23: Light, Telescopes, and the Sun


Chapter 24: Beyond Our Solar System





Course Summary:

Date Details Due