Course Syllabus
CP 3011.2 J. Orr
a-g Psychology 1B Spring 2023
Judy Orr
209-441-6090 (voice and text)
SPRING 2023 CP 3011.2 |
First Day of Class: January 11, 2023 |
Last day to add or drop without charge: January 20, 2023 Last day of class: 5/3/23 |
Proctored Final: No, Project instead of a Final- TBA |
Please examine the CWCS Master Class Syllabus for rules and regulations on Student and Parent Responsibilities, absences, and a host of information on attending Canvas classes.
-You can prepare for the CAASPP tests by participating in GRASP the CAASPP.
-If you are having problems logging into CANVAS, please reach out to your ES.
Course Overview:
This course teaches students the fundamental concepts of psychology. During the one year course, students explore the following topics: the science of psychology, the biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning, memory, cognition and mental abilities, motivation and emotion, life-span development, personality, stress and health psychology, psychological disorders, therapies, and social psychology. Through course activities and resources, students acquire learning skills in critical analysis, research methods, and academic writing. Included are weekly thought-provoking, open ended questions answered in essay form. Students complete projects, midterms, and a final exam.
Class Information:
Class Times: Wednesdays 12:00-1:00 (CP Course 3011.2) **Last day to drop the class is 1/20/23. After this date, a fee will be charged to drop the class.
Required text: Vendor # 9856 Prentice Hall Psychology (Minter/Elmhorst 2012)
Student Edition 9780205790289 $89.97
****In case of delayed arrival of text, a digital copy of the first chapter of the second semester, Chapter 9, is posted on the Canvas Page****
Teacher Edition 9780205055487 $89.97 (Optional- ES will be provided the needed answer key to grade the bookwork.)
California Common Core standards:
Prerequisite(s)/Pre Skills: Biology strongly recommended
Length of Course: Psychology 1B: 1 semester
Student and ES Responsibilities in Canvas Online Classes
Below are responsibilities for students who are enrolled in Canvas online classes and their ESs. Please be sure that your parents are aware of their responsibilities and the support that they will provide. If this is your first Canvas/Blackboard class, attend a Canvas/Blackboard training workshop. This helps answer technological questions and is really beneficial to new users of Canvas and Blackboard.
Have a working headset and be prepared to use it.
Each student comes prepared for class and is willing to participate and learn with correct materials. This assures that they receive full credit for attendance/participation of the class.
Each student should print out their syllabus/pacing guide and refer to the Canvas homepage each week in order to plan their schedules, and be aware in advance of the dates and times of their class and assignments.
Check Canvas each week for announcements, assignments, and your grade for accuracy. Immediately notify instructor if a discrepancy is found.
Attend the online class every week and be on time. Many instructors deduct points for tardiness. If you must miss a session, please email the instructor prior to missing class for the opportunity to earn full credit with make-up work. If you must miss class, it is your responsibility to contact the instructor to obtain makeup work. For full credit, make up work must be turned in within a week (7 days) of the absence.
Complete the assigned additional assignments, quizzes, midterm, and final by the due date. Any assignment posted on Canvas, or sent via email MUST BE SAVED as a document on their computer, or as a hard copy, until the end of the semester to avoid any technical difficulties.
Homework assignments will be reviewed by your ES and reported quarterly to the instructor. It may count as much as 25% of the final grade.
Students will need to turn in assignments on time. Any late work will earn half credit.
-If you are unable to access Canvas or the Jigsaw class due to technical difficulties, please call me for information how to access class or make up assignments.
Follow the links to access and read the CW Code of Conduct Policy, Plagiarism & Truancy policies, Bully policy: CWCS Policies
Format for Submitting Assignments:
-Students must acquaint themselves with Purdue OWL MLA format (POMF) as all assignments must be turned in using this format. 10% of the score will be deducted if Purdue OWL is not used:
Purdue OWL Sample: Purdue OWL MLA sample paper
--ES Responsibilities
Please make sure headset with mic is ordered early in the semester and given to the student prior to the 3rd class.
Remind your parents/students: If this is their first Canvas experience, they must attend a required Parent Canvas Training prior to the start of their student’s first course or watch the recorded video. They should check Canvas weekly for each of their courses for announcements, changes in class meeting dates or changes in due dates for students’ assignments.
Be sure parent and student information is correct in SIS.
Read and print for reference the class syllabus and pacing guide. Go over the syllabus and pacing guide with your student at your first or second learning record meeting of the semester.
Complete quarterly progress reports, due the first week of October, December, March, and May. These reports make up a portion of the student’s grade. To determine an accurate quarterly progress report grade, evaluate textbook assignments (listed in pacing guide below) that you see at the LR meetings. Please submit by the dates listed on the ES Timetable. If not submitted by the due date, the progress report grade will be turned to a zero, and will negatively affect the student’s grade.
Contact instructor if student is dropping the course, or having any difficulties. The ES Timetable lists the last date to add or drop a class for each semester, and students cannot drop after this date without Advisor and Executive Director approval. If student is removed from class prior to this date, then there will be no charge to the instructional funds. Contact the instructor if a student is dropping the course, or having difficulties understanding assignments or submitting homework, quizzes, test, or essays online. Per school policy, students receiving Cs, Ds or Fs will be reported to the Waterford Office.
At each learning record meeting, have your student log into Canvas and show his/her grades and missing assignments.
Unless it is an extreme instance, if a student drops after the deadline, the student is charged the full amount; the fee will be deducted from the IF (even if an LCAP funding course).
--Parent Responsibilities:
- -Prior to the first day of class, assist student in logging on to Canvas, and familiarize them with the format of Canvas.
-Be sure your student is attending class weekly. Notify the instructor in advance if your student must miss a session.
-If a class is missed, make sure your student watches the class recording and completes the assigned homework.
-Please make note of the class times and days and make all attempts to not schedule appointments that would cause the student to miss class.
-Monitor student’s behavior during class to ensure they are staying on task.
-Provide feedback to the ES regarding student’s progress.
-Please note: Unless it is an extreme instance, if a student drops after the deadline, the student is charged the full amount; the fee will be deducted from the IF (even if an LCAP funding course).
o These courses are core supplemental and the parent is still the primary teacher and responsible for grading the homework assignments (unless student is receiving AESS).
o Check your student’s grade in Canvas and notify the instructor if there is a question about a grade or missing assignment.
--Instructor Responsibility:
-Create a syllabus and pacing guide.
-Provide weekly assignments on Canvas and assessments as needed.
-Grade Canvas assignments.
-Provide feedback on progress and Canvas assignments.
-Respond to parent and student emails within 24 hours.
Late Work /Absences
Late work will be accepted with a reduction of credit for the overall score.
-Excused Absence is defined as: The student or parent shall notify the teacher of the absence at least 24 hours prior to the time the class meets. Students who have notified their teacher that they will be absent due to illness, doctor's appointment, or another reason, MUST complete their assigned make-up work within 48 hours of the regularly scheduled class meeting. If make-up work is not turned in to the teacher within 48 hours, the missing make-up work will affect their grade. Excessive personal absences could result in an additional assignment at the teacher’s discretion. -Unexcused Absence is defined as: The student or parent shall notify the teacher of the absence at least 24 hours prior to the time the class meets. If the teacher has not been notified by the student or parent of an absence at least 24 hours prior to the time the class meets, the student absence will be "unexcused". The student MUST complete their assigned make-up work within 48 hours of the regularly scheduled class meeting. If make-up work is not turned in to the teacher within 48 hours, the missing make-up work will affect their grade. An unexcused absence may result in a truancy.
Assignments, tests, and quizzes are due by the date announced in class or as posted in the pacing guide and Canvas. Classwork and homework assignments submitted after the due date will receive a grade no higher than 75%. The Social Studies Department classes will not accept late work after the close date of the assignment. Absences don’t extend deadlines! The last day to accept late work, tests, or projects is 5/12. Any late work that is turned in receives a lower priority for grading. Please do not expect your instructor to grade late work immediately.
If you are sick, have a mandatory test (i.e. CAASPP) or have to miss class for another reason, you must contact me via email prior to class to excuse the absence. You will have one week to complete any missed class assignment for full credit, by 11:59 PM on the following Tuesday. Email a summary of class to receive full attendance/participation credit (for school-related absences such as SAT, CAASPP, etc) by11:59 PM on the following Tuesday. For other excused absences, students will only receive full attendance credit with a summary PLUS a small additional assignment. Students who do not contact me to excuse their absence will receive a 0 for that week’s attendance/participation grade. Attendance can be made up, but with a late penalty.
Inability to complete assignments
All assignments for the semester are presented to the student at the first class meeting. If there is any reason (religious, etc.) that a student cannot complete an assignment, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor by the THIRD CLASS MEETING.
100%-93% |
A |
76%-73% |
C |
92%-90% |
A- |
72%-70% |
C- |
89%-87% |
B+ |
69%-67% |
D+ |
86%-83% |
B |
66%-63% |
D |
82%-80% |
B- |
62%-60% |
D- |
79%-77% |
C+ |
59.4% & below |
F |
**When decimals are involved, grades are rounded up to nearest whole number. |
Class Pacing Guide
Week |
Day |
Chapter Reading |
pages |
Complete review questions on pg |
Week 1 |
Jan 11 |
Read Ch 9.1 Memory |
272-284 |
284 |
Week 2 |
Jan 18 |
Finish Ch 9.2 Behavior Write Up due. See letter “A” below. Due by 11:59 PM |
Week 3 |
Jan 25 |
Read Ch 10.1 Cognition |
304-320 |
320 |
Week 4 |
Feb 1 |
Finish Ch 10.2 |
321-334 |
334 |
Week 5 |
Feb 8 |
Read Ch 11.1 Motivation and Emotion |
340-357 |
357 |
Week 6 |
Feb 15 |
Finish Ch 11.2 |
358-368 |
368 |
Week 7 |
Feb 22 |
Read Ch 12.1 Theories of Personalities |
374-390 |
390 |
Week 8 |
March 1 |
Read Ch 12.2 Theories of Personalities MIDTERM on Ch 9-12 |
391-402 |
402 |
Week 9 |
March 8 |
Read Ch 13.1 Psychological Disorders |
408-417 |
417 |
Week 10 |
March 15 |
Read Ch 13.2 Psychological Disorders |
418-438 |
438 |
Week 11 |
March 22 |
Week 12 |
March 29 |
Read Ch 14.1 Psychological Therapies Maladaptive Behavior Assignment- (Assignment B, listed below) due 11:59 PM today. |
444-464 |
464 |
Week 13 |
April 5 |
Finish Ch 14.2 Psychological Therapies Relate myth or movie to modern psychological theory (Assignment C, listed below) due 11:59PM today |
465-474 |
477 |
Week 14 |
April 12 |
Read Ch 15.1 Stress and Health |
480-493 |
494 |
Week 15 |
April 19 |
Read Ch 15.2 |
495-505 |
506 |
Week 16 |
April 26 |
Read All of Ch 16 Applied Psychology and Psychology Careers Research Career in Psychology- report findings in essay (Assignment D, listed below) due today 11:59 PM |
512-528 |
531 |
Week 17 |
May 3 |
In class activities/review |
Last class. Mandatory attendance. Discussion questions, examine Canvas for missing grades/accuracy |
May 12 |
All Make-up work due by this date |
*Note: All bookwork due to be finished the night before the scheduled meeting unless otherwise noted.
Assignments in addition to book work
All assignments must be submitted in Owl Purdue MLA format. 10 percent will be deducted if not in Purdue OWL MLA format. Link to format: Purdue OWL MLA Format (POMF)
Sample Paper: Purdue OWL MLA Format Sample Paper
- Behavior Write Up: Choose a behavior that you perform automatically and pay close attention to how you perform it. This behavior is something you do without thinking about such as biting your nails or plucking your eyelashes. This would not be playing the piano or doing your homework.
How does consciously thinking about the behavior affect your performance of it? Write a paragraph summary (8-10 sentences) and submit on the Canvas page under “Behavior Write Up”.
- Maladaptive Behavior Assignment: In this milestone assignment, you will report on some examples of times when you have engaged in maladaptive thought patterns. Write a 250-500 word paper in which you recall and examine times when you have engaged in maladaptive thought patterns. Analyze the incidents and identify whether the thought patterns were examples of overgeneralization, polarized thinking, or selective attention.
- Relate myth or movie to modern psychological theory In this milestone assignment, you will connect modern psychological theory to popular myths and movies. Your mission for this assignment is to read a myth or watch a science fiction/action/fantasy movie. Identify as many of the following archetypes as that exist in your choice of movie or myth. Write a 500-word paper in which you analyze what archetypes appear in myth or movie, how they advance the plot, and what impact they have on your interpretation of the myth or movie.
--The Hero- From World Leaders to mythic gods, the hero represents someone who rises to the occasion to conquer and vanquish with great might. Often the hero is a relatively weak individual, but one who connects to powerful internal forces
--The Trickster This archetype is often seen as a collective shadow figure representing underdeveloped or inferior traits of individuals. In mythology (such as many Native American folktales), the trickster is often someone who is dull-witted but someone who provides positive outcomes.
--Great Mother The Virgin Mary, the Hindu goddess Kali, fertility symbols, Mother Earth, myths, and legends of motherhood these are all reflections of our archetype of one who ushers us into existence and nurtures us.
--Spiritual Father - Our image and sense of fathers is tied to spirituality. An obvious link, established well before Jung, is found in many Judeo-Christian religions.
--Mandala - The archetype of order. Examples of this are plentiful both within and across cultures. Circles, squares, fractal forms, swastikas, wheels, yin-yang, crosses, and numbers are a few examples. If you choose a character with a famous mandala (like Harry Potter and his wand) make sure to include it in your write up.
--Transformation -Journeys to the self, whether in mythology, dreams, or symbols, represent transformation.
--And don't forget about the archetypes mentioned in your textbook: persona, anima/animus, and wise old man.
Some ideas for movies:
-Harry Potter -Star Wars
-The Empire Strikes Back -The Wizard of Oz
-Pirates of the Caribbean -Indiana Jones
Some sources for myths:
- Research a career in psychology. What are the educational requirements for this position? How much does it pay? What does a person in this career do on a daily basis? Do any of them sound interesting to you? Do you know any acquaintances who work in any of the below fields? Write up your findings in a 350-word paper. Submit in POMF Here are some careers to get you started:
Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Mental Health Worker, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Advertisement producer, Marriage and Family Therapist, Psychology Professor, Forensic Psychologist
Here are some resources for you: