Course Syllabus
Beth Cover
(209) 614-4656
Students should expect to spend a considerable amount of time each day (~ 1 hour, on average) on the assigned sections. Much of the learning is done independently by the student, as the class meets only twice a week. Many students find it helpful to have a personal tutor or take advantage of drop-in coaching at the learning centers, to assist with homework questions.
Homework is done daily and will be submitted with or independently through Canvas as assigned. Quizzes & Tests are completed when assigned and submitted to the instructor through Canvas. These are assessments of the students’ understanding of the material. A proctored multiunit exam will determine the formal assessment portion of the overall semester grade.
- Go Math Curriculum -- Required curriculum may be available at the Learning Center on a first-come basis. If needed, ESs can order curriculum using the OPS catalog which will have the most up-to-date pricing. Students will need:
Go Math8! Student Edition Print
Go Math8! Student Edition Online
Go Math8! Practice Skills and Fluency Workbook
Go Math8! California Solution Key (optional for parent use--homework will be corrected in class)
Other Go Math8! components listed in OPS are optional.
- Scientific Calculator (TI-36X Pro recommended)
- Graphing Calculator ( - no handheld graphing calculator will be needed)
- Headset for online sessions
- Graph Paper
- Ruler
- Colored Pencils if desired.
- Spiral Notebook or Composition Book for personal notes and homework assignments.
Class Structure & Purpose: This class meets twice a week at the Learning Center as part of the 8th Grade Bridge Program. Even though the class meets only twice each week, completion of daily assignments will be expected and part of the students’ grades. Math 8 is a rigorous pre-algebra course intended to prepare students for high school Algebra 1. Each class period will focus on questions regarding the previous assignments, instruction of new topics, activities involving mathematical reasoning, assessments, problem-solving, and investigations or group work.
Overall course grade
25% Homework and Classwork
25% Attendance and Participation in online sessions
25% Quizzes
25% Tests and Class Projects
Grading Scale
97% and above A+
93% - 96% A
90% - 92% A-
87% - 89% B+
83% - 86% B
80% - 82% B-
77% - 79% C+
73% - 76% C
70% - 72% C-
67% - 69% D+
63% - 66% D
60% - 62% D-
Below 60% F
Students will be graded on attendance and participation in the online sessions, daily homework assignments, chapter tests, occasional check-up assignments or quizzes, and a semester final exam and project.
Homework and Classwork
The tentative Pacing Guide outlines the lessons and topics that will be covered each week. Weekly assignments will be posted each week in Canvas. The assignments are given a week at a time. Students should manage their own time to complete the assigned exercises by the end of the week and be prepared for online or in person class sessions. As students read through the lessons & view the online modules, they should take notes in a composition book or spiral notebook and complete the assigned exercises.
The weekly textbook homework assigned in the pacing guide should be completed in a separate notebook, in an organized manner, with all necessary work shown on the paper. Additionally, students are responsible to submit a text response (in Canvas) when HWR homework has been completed; as well as scan/picture of each paper assignment as assigned on Canvas in order to receive homework credit.
Many of the assignments will involve online learning modules or assessments. The grades earned from assigned learning modules will become part of the student's homework and classwork grade.
Attendance and Participation
Class Sessions: Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:30 -10:00 am starting 1/3/2022 |
The class will meet twice a week in person, and via JigSaw if the teacher needs to quarantine. The link can be found on the class Canvas website. Attendance is required. Not only will the students receive instruction during these sessions, but they will participate in answering questions and working out problems. 0-5 points towards the students attendance and participation grade will be earned for each class session, depending on promptness and participation in the class session.
CWCS Attendance Policy
The truancy policy applies to Contract Programs courses (including CWCS HQT online courses). An unexcused absence will be counted as a truancy.
-Excused Absence is defined as:
The parent shall notify the teacher by phone of the absence at least 24 hours* prior to the time the class meets.
-Unexcused Absence is defined as:
An absence that does not accompany a parent phone call to the instructor at least 24 hours* prior to the time the class meets.
*If there are extenuating circumstances that do not allow for at least 24 hours, then the teacher must still be notified prior to the start of class; allowances may be made depending on the circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances: car accident, sudden illness, etc. Students should email the teacher and ES as soon as possible)
Making Up a Missed Class
Attendance credit for excused absences will be granted by the instructor based on the quality of the make-up work. To make up a missed class session, the student must view the recording of the session (which will be posted as a link on the Canvas website shortly after the session ends). The student must then email the instructor with responses to the following:
- Write a summary of what was discussed during this session.
- Write a paragraph explaining one concept that was discussed in the session.
- What section are you currently working on in the textbook?
- List any questions you have regarding this week’s lessons
- Submit your response to the above 4 points via the class CANVAS inbox within 1 week of the missed class session.
Attendance credit will not be given for unexcused absences.
CWCS Online Code of Conduct Policy
The following guidelines apply to all students. Failure to comply will result in dismissal from online courses and/or suspension as deemed appropriate by the school administration.
If you witness any violations of these guidelines, please contact your online instructor or the School office at 1-800-808-9895 ext. 6.
- Use your own username and password. Do not give these to anyone.
- Do not aid anyone in getting unauthorized access to any of your online learning platforms.
- Do not post your or anyone else’s personal contact information except with the approval of the instructor.
- Do not post messages that were sent to you privately.
- Insults or attacks of any kind against another person are prohibited.
- Use of obscene, degrading, or profane language is prohibited.
- Once the class begins there is no chatting except with the approval of the instructor.
- Do not sign into the session more than 10 minutes prior to the beginning of class unless it’s your first time logging on. Your instructor may grant an exception.
- Cheating and plagiarism are not acceptable. Instances of cheating and plagiarism include but are not limited to: cheat or crib notes, looking at & using other student’s answers or work, copying homework, class work, or tests, and doing another student’s work. Copying or paraphrasing work from the Internet, book, magazine, newspaper, song or other sources without properly citing sources is prohibited. When using facts that are not generally known, statistical data or copying maps, charts or graphs without using the author’s name and a bibliography is also prohibited. You will be asked to sign this Digital Code of Conduct through Canvas at the beginning of the year.
Tests and Quizzes
The instructor will collect and grade several quizzes and tests throughout the semester. The tests will be posted in Canvas for the students to download or will be assigned online. Specific instructions for the quizzes and tests will be given in class and in Canvas, including procedures for submission and due dates. Late homework will NOT be given full credit. A late penalty of up to 10% per week will be deducted from the student’s score. Tests will not be accepted more than one week past the due date. Due dates and cut-off dates will be posted for each test on the Canvas assignment page.
Final Exam & Projects: A final exam will be given on the last scheduled day of class for the semester. The final exam, and possibly one or more projects, will determine 25% of the overall grade.
Additional Help
- Drop-in Tutoring:
- Every other Wednesdays with Patrick Smith
- Tutors: talk to your ES for details
- Online videos:
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |