Course Syllabus

Connecting Waters Charter School / CTE Health Careers – Internship / Job Shadow / Volunteer

CP 2105 (Sem 1) and CP 2105.2 (Sem 2)


Instructor: Freddie Galvan / Email: / Phone: (209) 874-1119 x 322

Class meets via BigBlueButton on Tuesday, 10:40-11:40 pm.  When possible, 1-2 scheduled meetings will take place at the Learning Center and will take the place of the scheduled Google Meet for that specific week.  More information will be provided during class. 

REQUIRED Textbooks and Materials:

  • Quizlet account
  • Computer, Internet Access, Voice, and Video connections
  • Microsoft Word / Google Docs

This program will provide students with internship opportunities.  The course goals are to provide students with health care knowledge on both skills and various careers while gaining work related experience.  Students will focus on completing a Career Portfolio, which will assist them to find a suitable job site.  Medical Terminology will be plugged in throughout the year.  Job site placement begins toward the end of the 1st semester and should be in full swing prior to winter break.  Students are expected to complete 4-6 weekly hours at their internship site, which will give them approximately 100 job site / clinical hours.  We will also focus on building leadership skills and compete with Skills USA events.   

  • Online Canvas classes are held on every Tuesday
  • Weekly assignments/announcements made available on Canvas homepage/assignment page.
  • Students in Canvas classes should read the homepage for updated assignments.
  • During class, students will use headsets with microphones, webcams, and other online tools to communicate with other students and the teacher.  
  • A Canvas training workshop for parents is required.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Check Canvas for announcements, weekly assignments, and grades.


  • Attend classes on time. (missed classes: “1-page summary of missed class - due before next scheduled meeting)
  • Recorded meetings will be made available on Canvas under “Pages” and “Recordings”
  • Please read and comply with the CWCS Truancy Policy. See the link below.
  • Read the syllabus and follow the CW Code of Conduct/Plagiarism Policy. See the link below. Refer to the LINK or student handbook for specific Truancy information.


  • Participate verbally or on the chat (when requested) and complete assignments/reading
  • Participation points are earned by being involved with the lesson plans


  • Complete and submit ALL assignments on or before the due date. (Assignments will be entered into the Canvas grading or as otherwise discussed during class)
  • Student should refer to the Canvas homepage for changes or updated due dates.
  • Late assignments will be accepted and will receive a 7/10 maximum for being late.
  • Extra Credit – only a few opportunities will be offered for extra credit.

ES/Parent Responsibilities:

  • Make sure your student attends these classes. These are mandatory classes for all students. (Students who choose to enroll must attend class and adhere to class policies)
  • Attend each class with your child.
    • Be there to help your child with learning how to use the online tools and participate in class.
  • Contact me if your student is having difficulties understanding and completing homework assignments.
  • Read and print the class syllabus for reference during ES meetings.
  • Routinely check Canvas for announcements and student’s weekly assignments.
  • Communicate with Mr. Galvan directly when child will be absent.
  • Parents must attend a Canvas training sessions before classes begin.
  • CWCS EL Department link

 Plagiarism / Copied Work:  

  • Copying from the internet or any other source, sharing answers with classmates on an assignment, and direct cheating will not be tolerated.  
  • For any given offense there will be a call home, a parent conference, a referral to your administrator, and a zero on the assignment regardless of the weight.  
  • There will be no tolerance for cheating.

 Grades will be based on:

  • 40% - Attendance / Participation: taken at beginning & end of class. 
    • Participation scored throughput.
  • 30% - Formative – Quizzes, Classwork, Homework, Skills
  • 30% - Summative – Tests, Projects, Mid-Term, and Finals
  • ES Contacts: ES will confirm work is updated/completed and will send email confirming that student has completed all assignments.

 Grade Scale: 

  • 90 – 100% = A, 80 – 89% = B, 70 – 79% = C, 60 – 69% = D, 0 – 59% = F







Students will learn the classroom rules and expectations. 


Review of Syllabus



Students will gain understanding of classmates and will gain knowledge about HOSA & Skills USA.

Begin Portfolio

Table of Contents



Students will practice Medical Terminology with use of Quizlet. 

Cover Letter – Instructions / Sample / Create Own



Students will review Job Seeking Skills guidelines.

Resume – Instructions / Sample / Create Own




Students will complete Job Application and Health Care Issues. 

Typing Certificate – Class time

CPR Training – CPR Card



Students will learn important HOSA dates and will evaluate Qualities of a Leader. 

Thank You Letter – Instructions / Sample (Interview & Job Site)



Students will learn the learn about the cardiovascular system.

Letters of Recommendation

Board of Directors



Students will review and understand the HOSA guidelines for the competitive event, Medical Spelling. 

Medical Terminology

Health Care Issues



Students will review and understand the internship responsibilities. 

Board of Directors - Presentation

Medical Terminology

Health Care Issues



Students will review medical terminology. 

Medical Terminology

Health Care Issues



Students will identify and describe the major functions and structures of the urinary system. 

Medical Terminology

Health Care Issues

In This Group



Students will be able to describe the functions and structures of the nervous system. 

Medical Terminology

Health Care Issues

HOSA Scholarship Page



Students will be able to make and establish contacts for potential internships.

Medical Terminology

Health Care Issues

Create a list of 5 Possible Internship Sites



Students will practice completing a Medical Registration Form.

Medical Terminology

Health Care Issues

Medical Registration Form


Thanksgiving Break – No Class




Students will learn about SLC events.

Students will review Medical Terminology.

Medical Terminology & Health Care Issues




a-g Finals




Winter Break!


Course Summary:

Date Details Due